مقالات الصف الثامن أ

phrasal verbs exercises

please do the exercises

26-05-2021 11:18


please do the exercises

22-12-2020 08:06

vocabulary activity

pleace do the activity

15-12-2020 08:16

Behind the scenes

Hello pupils please read the text p.8+9 Then, do execise "E" P.10

15-11-2020 08:55

Behind the scenes

Hello pupils, Please read the text and do the exercises

01-11-2020 09:22

Behind the scenes

Hello pupils, Today, we will learn about the aricle " Behind the scenes"

25-10-2020 09:58

Behind the scenes

hello pupils, Today, we will learn a new text in your book

19-10-2020 10:16

past simple

please do the exercise in the link

18-10-2020 11:10

vocabulary +"past simple"negative

Hello pupils, please review negative form in the past simple

12-10-2020 10:31

"past simple"negative

Hello pupils, Today, we will learn about negative form in the past simple سوف نتعلم اليوم عن صي...

11-10-2020 08:12

past simple-irrugular verbs

Hello pupils Today we will learn about the irrugular verbs

05-10-2020 11:25

past simple

Hello pupils, Today we will learn about past simple(الماضي البسيط )

04-10-2020 10:20

present progressive negation

please do the exercise about negation

28-09-2020 12:35

present progressive

Hello everyone, Today we will learn about negation form in the present progressive

27-09-2020 10:02

present progressive

exercises in the present progressive

21-09-2020 12:13

present progressive

Dear Students, Learn the rules about the use and form of the Present Progressive Tense. Go through the PPT and...

20-09-2020 09:23
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